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  The rocket league free to play update arrives september 23rd But actually a majority of the updates will be coming out to the current player base tomorrow morning at 9 a.m pacific time and following the free to play launch There's something called the llama rama coming out which we're going to get more into that later in the video But what's coming into the update tomorrow cross platform progression starting tomorrow, you'll be able to link your accounts between all the other platforms You're also going to get all those legacy items we talked about in previous videos such as the golden cosmos boost

 The established 20xx player banner and then all rocket league branded dlcs and just an important note here There seems to be a lot of confusion on what the rocket league branded dlc cars are that doesn't include the nissan skyline the batmobiles The ecto one the kit knight rider car jurassic park anything that has a brand other than rocket league associated with it You are not going to get for free and I just want to make that clear also starting tomorrow We're gonna have supporter creator codes implemented in the item shop And basically what this means is anytime you buy something from the item shop You can enter a supporter creator code such as creator code try house Five percent of what that item cost goes directly to the content creator you decide and it doesn't cost you anything else Personally a major win for me the other things that are coming out in the update tomorrow we've got the new quick chats, which is on your left on your right faking and I forget the other one heat seeker and private matches as of tomorrow. 

Now. This one's pretty huge for you guys That didn't know when spike rush first came out to private matches me and a bunch of people on stream We got together and we made rocket labs 2.0 is what we called it and we tested the spike rush mutator With every other thing you could possibly think of and we came up with some pretty cool game modes like spike drop starting tomorrow We're going to be doing that with the heatseeker mutator as well There's going to be larger item pools for trade ups and we talked about this in our last video But this is important for you guys that haven't done your non-crate trade-ups because as of tomorrow's update Non-crate trade-ups can trade up to anything So if you're trying to pull that titanium white octane, statistically you're gonna have a better chance if you do it before the update So keep that in mind the solo standard playlist is getting removed boom new bot difficulty for all of you extra potatoes out there We've got the new merc hit box coming out which that is something i'm probably gonna do a video on tomorrow.

 So stay posted We're gonna have all the remixes of the rocket league tracks Which I believe you can already listen to on spotify if you search that exact name And this next part was one of the things i'm most excited about and that is the updated menu so apparently they're completely changing the ui for the entire game and i'm excited to see what it looks like because The ui for the most part has remained the same since the game's inception These are the things that are coming out september 23rd when the game goes Free to play on all platforms the epic game store the game won't be available to pick up on epic game store until september 23rd 

However, they have added here If you add rocket league to your library on the other game store between september 23rd and october 23rd. You'll receive a 10 Coupon that is redeemable on games and add-ons for epic game store for items that are 15 and up So basically you can't get a free game with a 10 coupon But if you get a game that's like 25 dollars Just take ten dollars off of it and plus once you download and launch the game on epic game store You instantly get two new items inventory called the sunray boost and the hot rocks trail Which they don't provide pictures of kind of bummed about that so season one launches on the 23rd So tomorrow's update isn't going to be the new season yet But i'm kind of okay with that because they're giving us a bunch of things we can play around with Before the new season starts as of course the competitive tournaments which we've already done a video on Will come out on the 23rd as well. The game-wide challenges the ones that give the free drops and stuff like that We're coming out on the 23rd And then they add these things called starter packs Which I think is a concept from fortnite where he used to like spend five dollars and you would get a skin some credits 

And a bunch of other like value items, but they're going to give you the endo The guiding wheel is great, which the guiding wheels are actually pretty good looking wheels So that's not bad the neo thermal boost the friction trail I've never changed my trail, so I don't know what that one is and 500 credits So, I don't know how much that's going to be jaeger 619 apparatus wheels tune goal explosion a lot of people like tune And then a thousand credits so it looks like they're going to have like your starter starter pack and then like the advanced Starter pack and both packs will be available in the bundles tab of the item shop Which is telling us that there's already gonna be a new tab where they regularly have bundles like this and this Is something i've been seeing in the item shop for a hot second now where whenever they put a specific car in the item? Shop,

 there's a bunch of items that are associated with it I think what they're going to do from now on is instead of spamming the item shop with a bunch of decals for a car That not a lot of people really want they're going to make it a bundle Instead and they're going to keep items in the item shop a little bit more relevant to like goal explosions Or specific wheels that people might like and then they hint at the new event that's going to be coming out with a free to play update called the llama rama and I have to say That's the fortnight llama So fortnite tweeted out celebrate rocket league going free to play on september 23rd starting that weekend jump into rocket league glamorous Earn awesome in-game rewards for both rocket league and fortnite so it does seem like they're going to cross over the games a little bit Here and I imagine what epic games is trying to do is they're trying to leverage the massive player base from fortnite and show them rocket league because i'm sure they're going to be happy as long as Their player base is playing either one of these games If there's any questions that I didn't answer Please feel free to ask me down below in the comments

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